Our Mission

"Him we proclaim... teaching everyone with all wisdom, that we may present everyone mature in Christ."

Our Mission

Calvary Baptist Church exists to preach Christ, teach truth, and make disciples.


Here at Calvary Baptist Church, we want to be known for making Christ known. Jesus Christ is the only hope for a lost and dying world, and we want to glorify our Savior by making Him known.


With every passing day it becomes harder and harder to know what is true. Here at Calvary Baptist Church, we teach the timeless truths found in God's Word, the Bible. It is able to make a person wise for salvation and grow in the likeness of Jesus Christ. It is our manual for life, and we teach it here.


We have been given a commission by God to make disciples of all nations. That starts here in Ludington and stretches to the ends of the earth. We want to be a church that makes mature disciples that make mature disciples of Jesus Christ.


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